Bingo- Spiel

May 21:

1) You have to make World Bee Day Ride (sent by Biene)
2) You have to make and collect FootPrint Panda Day (sent by Trampasj)
3) You have to participate to the Lotto (made by Inger)
4) You have to make the Mother´s Ride (sent by Sandra)
5) You have to do Panda's Day (sent by Trampasj)
6) You have to do Panda's Day (sent by Trampasj)
7) You have to create the challenge JAM JAR (sent by Cris)
8) You have to make World Bee Day Quilt (sent by Biene)
9) You have to make the May´s Card Making Contest (sent by Sandra)

My template (Theme Panda Day):


My templates (Theme Mothersday):

