About me:
Name:Sabine (aka "Biene" or "Pixelbiene")
Home:Born and raised in Germany/ Saxony
Birthday: 26.08.64
Hair color: blonde
Eyes: grey-blue
Husband: Peter, married since 01.09.2006
Kids: One Boy, Adrian (34)
Pets: One british shorthair cat ( he called Urmel), 2 Degus,
200 liter Aquarium with 4 cichlids and 15 tetras
Favorite Colors: lila, pink, orange and yellow
I collect clocks, perfume bottles and cat figurines made of porcelain by Rosina Wachtmeister.
Pixel Stuff: I discovered pixels for myself in January 2019,
which is a lot of fun for me now.
I registered in the PixelFun-Forum and am learning there
from the bottom up to the pixel in various learning groups and workshops.